Together, We Will Move East Ham Forward!

Together, We Will Move East Ham Forward!

Your Vote matters, Your Voice matters, We need change, We need growth.

Your Ramadoss Sathish Mohan, born and brought up in east ham, graduated at Queen Mary & Westfield University in Aeronautical Engineering. Currently running my own business firm in Real Estate & Property Development.

Policy positions

Ideological Leader For Youth Generation

My name is Ramadoss Sathish Mohan, and I am honored to stand before you as a candidate for the East Ham constituency.

East Ham is a vibrant and diverse community, rich in culture and history. Our strength lies in our unity, our resilience, and our commitment to each other. But like many communities, we face challenges that require strong, compassionate, and dedicated leadership.

I am committed to addressing the issues that matter most to you. Affordable housing is a right, not a privilege. I will fight to ensure that everyone has a safe and affordable place to call home. Our NHS is the pride of our nation, and I will work tirelessly to ensure it remains well-funded and accessible to all. Education is the foundation of our future, and I am dedicated to improving our schools and providing our children with the opportunities they deserve.

I believe in a fair and just society where everyone has the chance to thrive. This means supporting our local businesses, investing in green initiatives to combat climate change, and ensuring that no one in our community is left behind.

Your voice matters, and together, we can create positive change. I promise to listen, to act, and to represent each and every one of you with integrity and dedication.

Thank you for your support. Let’s build a better future for East Ham, together.

Be a Volunteer


Vision & Mission

Every Person Important To Us.

Your Ramadoss Sathish Mohan, born and brought up in east ham, graduated at Queen Mary & Westfield University in Aeronautical Engineering. Currently running my own business firm in Real Estate & Property Development.


Successfully Delivered


Worldwide Clients


Store Clients Products


Total Km Reach So Far

Our Events

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Our MP Candidate met the public

#eastham #easthamstation #london #election2024

Our campaigning was held near east ham station. Our MP Candidate met the public and delivered leaflets with his key workers.

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Election office inaugural Function

#eastham #easthamstation #london #election2024

Election office inaugural Function has been successfuly conducted on 12/06/2024. Lot of business personalities, friends and families have shown their support through their valuable speech. We are very grateful for your support.

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Our MP Candidate met the public

#eastham #easthamstation #london #election2024

Our campaigning was held near east ham station. Our MP Candidate met the public and delivered leaflets with his key workers.

Join as Volunteer

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Mr. Ramadoss Sathish Mohan has been delivering leaflets near local schools.

Our Team Participated in SAI PALKHI Yatra

Our Campaigning started in the morning with a massive crowd and people promised their vote for our MP Candidate Mr Ramadoss Sathish Mohan.